Bielov Kostiantyn Oleksiiovych

September 27, 1905 — born in the city of Kosov, Ekaterynoslav governorate, the son of a glass manufacturing plant worker.
1926 — after finishing vocational school, he entered the chemical faculty of Kharkiv Technological Institute.
1930 — graduated from Kharkiv Chemical and Technological Institute (after the reorganization of KhTI) with the title of engineer chemist –technologist majoring in technology of the coke-chemical production. Scholar of the «Koksobenzol » trust.
19311934 — worked as an assistant at Kharkiv Chemical and Technological Institute and the Labor Faculty.
1934 — Candidate of Technical Sciences.
1935–1942 — Associate Professor of the Department of Pyrogenic Processes.
1941 — the staff of the department was evacuated to Uzbek city of Chyrchyk. During those years, K. O. Bielov not only independently conducted the educational process in all special educational disciplines (he was the only teacher at the department), but also conducted research on obtaining from the products of coke chemical production explosive and warfare poisonous substances, fuel and lubricants, which were so urgently needed at the front. He was awarded with a Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of Uzbekistan for his scientific achievements.
1942–1986 — Head of the Department of Chemical Technology of Fuel of KhCTI, KhPI. Developed new technological processes of thermochemical refining of coal and oil. Investigated the capture of benzene hydrocarbons and the purification of coke oven gas under pressure. The results of K.O. Bielov 's scientific research formed the basis for the design of the first coke-chemical plant in the town of Avdiivka.
1955 — Doctor of Technical Sciences. Honorary Doctor of NTU «KhPI». Awarded the orders of the Labor Red Banner, «Badge of Honor» and medals.
1957 — Professor.
1987 — the main focus was on scientific and methodical work. With his participation, a fundamentally new curriculum for training specialists was developed, the department began training engineers first in two, and then in three majors – solid fuel technology, oil and gas, carbon graphite materials.
1960s – research on the development of technology for capturing chemical products of coking under pressure. Based on the results of this study, a workshop was built at the Yasynivka Coke and Chemical Plant. The construction of similar workshops began at other coke-chemical plants in Ukraine and beyond.
June 8, 2001 — Kostiantyn Oleksiiovych died.