Sakhnenko Mykola Dmytrovych

Sakhnenko Mykola Dmytrovych is a well-known electrochemist, specialist in the field of electrochemical materials science, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Professor.
Recognized scientist. Co-founder of the scientific school «Electrochemical design of functional materials». Author of more than 500 scientific papers, 60 patents and copyright certificates, 20 textbooks and manuals (5 in English).
Areas of scientific research: functional coatings with metals and alloys; synthesis of oxide and modified electrode materials; microplasma oxidation of aluminum and titanium alloys; electrochemical design and diagnostics of catalytically active materials; gaseous emissions disposal systems; electrochemical synthesis of superconducting organic materials; waterproofing and degradation of structural materials; corrosion monitoring and inhibitory protection; forecasting the resource of protective coatings under operating conditions; modeling of complex electrochemical systems and processes; application of artificial intelligence tools to optimize synthesis modes and functional coatings properties.
Talented teacher, leading lecturer of courses: «Theoretical electrochemistry», «Theoretical foundations of the chemistry of rare and dispersed elements», «Chemical resistance of materials and protection against corrosion», «Modern technologies of ECHV and CDS», «High technologies of electrochemical production», «Corrosion and protection of materials», «Physical chemistry», «Normative documents and requirements for dissertations and attestation cases of applicants for a scientific degree».
Scientific supervisor of 3 doctoral and 12 candidate theses, defended only in the last decade.
May 11, 1949 — date of birth.
1972 — graduate of Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, faculty of Technology of Inorganic Substances with distinction.
Since 1972 — work at KhPI.
1972–1983 — Assistant Professor of the department of Electrochemical Production Technology.
1981 — defense of the candidate's thesis, held PhD in Technical Sciences.
1983–2000 — Associate Professor of the Department of Electrochemical Production Technology.
Since 1984 — research work on government decisions and industrial enterprises’ requests manager.
2000 — Doctor of Technical Sciences.
2001 — Professor of the Department of Technical Electrochemistry. Leading lecturer of the department of professional disciplines.
2007 — the best teacher of professionally oriented disciplines of the university.
2008 — the initiator of the All-Ukrainian conference «Youth Electrochemical Forum» on NTU «KhPI» basis.
2011 — Head of the Department of Physical Chemistry.

The member of:The member of:the Ukrainian Association of Corrosionists; the Expert Council of Technologies of Light, Food and Chemical industry in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine on chemical technologies;the Scientific Council on the problem of «Electrochemistry» of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine; the Interagency Scientific and Technical Council on Corrosion and Anti-Corrosion Protection Protection at the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;the Specialized Academic Council D 64.050.03 at NTU «KHPI»; the Software and Organizational Committee of National Electrochemical Congresses, 2005, 2008, 2011;the Software and Organizational Committee of the International Conference «Nanotechfest» (Kharkiv, Ukraine), 2010; the Organizing Committee of International Conferences «Corrosion» (Lviv, Ukraine), 2008, 2010, 2012; the Organizing Committee of the International Conference «Inorganic Chemistry» (Kharkiv, Ukraine), 2011;

Has awards: badge of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science «For scientific achievements»; gold medals at «New Time» International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies; diploma and award «UKRPATENT»; certificates of Kharkiv Regional Trade Union Committee; certificate of honor of the Ukrainian Association of Corrosionists.