Sakhnenko Mykola Dmytrovych
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The member of:The member of:the Ukrainian Association of Corrosionists; the Expert Council of Technologies of Light, Food and Chemical industry in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine on chemical technologies;the Scientific Council on the problem of «Electrochemistry» of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine; the Interagency Scientific and Technical Council on Corrosion and Anti-Corrosion Protection Protection at the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;the Specialized Academic Council D 64.050.03 at NTU «KHPI»; the Software and Organizational Committee of National Electrochemical Congresses, 2005, 2008, 2011;the Software and Organizational Committee of the International Conference «Nanotechfest» (Kharkiv, Ukraine), 2010; the Organizing Committee of International Conferences «Corrosion» (Lviv, Ukraine), 2008, 2010, 2012; the Organizing Committee of the International Conference «Inorganic Chemistry» (Kharkiv, Ukraine), 2011;