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Modern Educational Technologies in Education

Dear educators! We invite you to participate in the XXII International School-Seminar "Modern Educational Technologies in Education"!

From April 8 to April 11, 2025, you will have the opportunity to participate in interactive educational events aimed at improving the efficiency of professional activity in the field of education, as well as sharing experiences in the use of modern educational methodologies among educators.

The program of the event includes conducting pedagogical workshops, STEM laboratories, master classes, business games, trainings, discussions, demonstrations, presentations, the purpose of which is to form, develop, and improve personal professional competencies (organizational, creative, leadership, communicative, etc.). The workshops are led by leading lecturers and specialists from NTU "KhPI" and other educational institutions of Ukraine, Europe, and the USA.

Pre-registration is mandatory and available at the link: Registration is open until April 5, 2025 (inclusive).

Additional Information:

Contact Information:

If necessary, you can contact us with questions about the event by email: or write on the Facebook page of the methodological department of NTU "KhPI".