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Plan of the library events for the 140th anniversary of NTU "KhPI"

January Topic: 140th Anniversary of NTU "KhPI": Start of the Anniversary Year
 Web-presentation of events for the 140th anniversary of NTU "KhPI". 
 Series of book exhibitions "Outstanding Polytechnicians: 140 Years of Scientific and Educational Activity of NTU 'KhPI'": exhibition of publications from the library's fund.
February Topic: Creative Polytech
 Web-presentation "Engineer – A Creative Profession"
 Literary evening "We Ukrainians!"
 Lecture for students of partner institutions "From Origins to Present"
 Series of book exhibitions "Outstanding Polytechnics: 140 Years of Scientific and Educational Activities of NTU 'KhPI': Exhibition of Publications from the Library's Collection"
March Topic: Popular Science Month
Scientific-practical seminar on World Engineering Day (March 4) "The Role of Engineering Education in Ukraine's Recovery".
Literary evening Lina Kostenko – "Everything of Mine is Called Ukraine". Dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of Her Birth.
Book exhibition "Kharkiv Polytechnics at International Conferences". Exhibition of publications from the library's fund.
April Topic: Library for the University
 International school-seminar "Modern Pedagogical Technologies in Education". Masterclass "Basics of Searching Academic Information"
 International school-seminar "Modern Pedagogical Technologies in Education". Masterclass "Presentation of the Electronic Platform of NTU 'KhPI"
 Series of book exhibitions "Outstanding Polytechnicians: 140 Years of Scientific and Educational Activity of NTU 'KhPI'": exhibition of publications from the library's fund.
May Topic: Meet NTU 'KhPI'
 Tours "Scientific-Technical Library of NTU 'KhPI': History and Modernity".
 Setting up a photo zone "Time Travel".
 Web-seminar "Presentation of Biobibliographic Projects of the Scientific-Technical Library".
 Series of book exhibitions "Outstanding Polytechnicians: 140 Years of Scientific and Educational Activity of NTU 'KhPI'": exhibition of publications from the library's fund.
June Topic: Summer Picnic
 Exhibition of children's art works for World Children's Day "Colors of Childhood".
 Web-seminar for scientists "Supporting the Scientist's Brand in the Context of University Development".
 Web-seminar for students about information trends "Library as a Source of Inspiration"
 Series of book exhibitions "Outstanding Polytechnicians: 140 Years of Scientific and Educational Activity of NTU 'KhPI'": exhibition of publications from the library's fund.
September Topic: Knowledge Day
 Open House Day of the Scientific-Technical Library of NTU 'KhPI'.
 Scientific-practical seminar "NTU 'KhPI' and Library: 140 Years Together".
 Web-seminar "Unique Stories about NTU 'KhPI': from the Documents of the Library's Fund".
 Exhibition of publications from the library's fund "Works of NTU 'KhPI' Scientists".
 Series of book exhibitions "Outstanding Polytechnicians: 140 Years of Scientific and Educational Activity of NTU 'KhPI'": exhibition of publications from the library's fund.