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Zhurylo Dmytro Yuriiovych

List of publications of ​D. Yu. Zhurylo

Zhurylo Dmytro Yuriiovych is Candidate of Engineering Sciences (2010).

Born in 1968.

He worked at the NTU «KhPI» Department of History of Science and Engineering (now — the Department of Ukraine Studies, Culture Studies and Science History).

In 2010 he defended Ph.D. thesis «Vplyv teplofizychnykh parametriv na stabilnist horyzontalnoho bezperervnoho lyttia midnykh zahotovok maloho pererizu» [Influence of Thermophysical Parameters on the Stability of Horizontal Continuous Casting of Small Section Copper Blanks].

D. Yu. Zhurylo is the author of more than 100 scientific publications, including 3 monographs: «Vydayushchiyesya metallurgi i liteyshchiki Kharkovshchiny» [Outstanding Metallurgists and Casters of the Kharkiv Region] (2013), «Teoreticheskiye i prakticheskiye osnovy proyektirovaniya mashin nepreryvnogo litya» [Theoretical and Practical Fundamentals of Designing Continuous Casting Machines] (2013), «Stanovleniye i razvitiye Kharkovskogo Tekhnologicheskogo instituta v kontse XIX – nachale XX vekov» [The Formation and Development of Kharkiv Technological Institute in the Late XIX – Early XX Centuries].

D. Yu. Zhurylo at Google Scholar