Error message

  • Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in _video_filter_process() (line 216 of C:\inetpub\drupal\sites\all\modules\video_filter\video_filter.module).
  • Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in _video_filter_process() (line 258 of C:\inetpub\drupal\sites\all\modules\video_filter\video_filter.module).

Перереєстрація користувачів 2025

Attention to university lecturers, researchers, and staff!
From February 1 to March 31, 2025, we invite you to re-register at the Scientific and Technical Library!
Offline format – We look forward to seeing you Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, at the Chemical Building, 2nd floor, Department of Physical Chemistry, Room 2.
Online format – Please send the following information to Margarita Oleksandrivna Kruhlova, Head of the Scientific Literature Service Department, at (
  1. Full name (Last name, First name, Patronymic) Position and department.
  2. Library card number.
  3. If you have borrowed books from the library, please indicate this in your email (total number, book details such as author, title, inventory number, etc.). We appreciate your cooperation!