Dolbnya Viktor Tymofiyovych: To the 140th Anniversary of NTU "KhPI"
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In January 2025, the scientific and technical library (library, subscription No. 1, room 45) presented the book exhibition "Dolbnya Viktor Tymofiyovych. A Life Dedicated to KhPI." dedicated to the memory of the distinguished scientist and educator.
Viktor Tymofiyovych Dolbnya (1924-2024) - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honorary Doctor of NTU "KhPI", Professor of the Department of Automated Electromechanical Systems, Meritorious Worker of Higher School of Ukraine.
Professor Viktor Tymofiyovych Dolbnya was a scholar in the field of industrial electronics and theoretical electrotechnics.
From 1978 to 1989, Viktor Tymofiyovych was the Vice-Rector of KhPI and led the educational-methodological work at the institute. Viktor Tymofiyovych Dolbnya prepared two Doctors of Technical Sciences and eight Candidates of Technical Sciences. He published 170 scientific works, among them six monographs, eleven textbooks, and study guides.
We invite everyone interested to familiarize themselves with the works of Viktor Tymofiyovych Dolbnya at the scientific and technical library (library, subscription No. 1, room 45).
More information about the distinguished scientist is presented in the project «Scientific School of Electrotechnics of Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute».