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In the shadow of a dandelion

On May 20, 2016, there was the opening of the exhibition of painting «In the shadow of
a dandelion».

Svitlana Zemliankina, the author of the exhibition is a student of the Kharkiv Art College, a graduate of the «Automation and Instrumentation» Faculty of our University, for years she has been collaborating as a professional illustrator with well-known publishing houses: «Ranok», «Saga», «Ekskliuzyv». Many kind words to the author were said by Director of the Hnat Khotkevych Ethnographic Museum «Slobozhanski Skarby», Associate Professor of «Ethics, aesthetics and cultural history» Department Krasikov Mikhaylo Mikhaylovich and dean of the faculty «Automation and Instrumentation», Professor Gapon Anatoliy Ivanovych. At the opening of the exhibition a musical gift was made by an employee of the NTU «KhPI» museum Serhii Perepelytsia and a member of the Yurii Vizbor club of the author's songs the bard Yurii Pravdin. Everybody could participate in a master class in painting.
