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Milykh Volodymyr Ivanovych

List of publications of V. I. Milykh

Milykh Volodymyr Ivanovych is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the «Electrical machines» Department of National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», the well-known scientist in the field of electrical engineering and electromechanics.

V. I. Milykh was born on June 22, 1949 in the village of Velyke Dumchyno of Mtsensk area, Orov region (Russian Federation) in a family of teachers. In 1966 he graduated from high school in the city of Mtsensk and entered Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (now is National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»), majoring in «Electrical Machines and Apparatus». Being a student of Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute he worked in student construction teams in Kharkiv, Chita and Tyumen regions, in the Crimea and Hungary.

After graduating from the institute in 1972, V. I. Milykh began scientific and technical activities at the Special Research and Design Bureau of Low Temperature Physical and Technical Institute (now is B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), where took part in the development and research of superconducting electric machines as an engineer. In 1975 he returned to Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, entered full-time graduate school at the Department of General Electrical Engineering. After graduating in 1978, he defended his dissertation and received the scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, and later in 1985, the scientific title of Associate Professor.

In 1978 a new stage of V. I. Milykh's career began which was connected with teaching and scientific work at the Department of General Electrical Engineering (since 1978 — Assistant, since 1982 — Senior Lecturer, since 1984 — Associate Professor, since 1997 — Professor, and at the same time since 1993 — Deputy Head of the Department). He devoted his scientific activities to the research and improvement of electric machines, including Direct Current rolling and traction machines, a linear electric motor for starting acceleration of aircraft, as well as superconducting electric machines.

He published many scientific papers in such authoritative journals as «Izvestiya AN SSSR. Seriya. Energetika i transport», «Elektrichestvo», «Elektrotehnika», «Elektromehanika», «Tehnicheskaya elektrodinamika», and becomes a recognized specialist in the field of calculation and analysis of electromagnetic fields and processes in electric machines.

V. I. Milykh summarized the results of research in his PhD dissertation «Chyselne modeliuvannia elektrodynamichnykh protsesiv u mashynakh postiinoho strumu z vysokymy pytomymy navantazhenniamy» [Numerical modeling of electrodynamic processes in direct current machines with high specific loads], which he defended in 1996, and in 2002 he was awarded the academic title of Professor.

In September 2004 V. I. Milykh was elected to the position of Head of the Electrical Machines Department of National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute». V. I. Milykh continued the traditions of the department and actively developed scientific and methodical work and connections with specialized enterprises, where students practiced and were employed, headed the scientific school of electrical machines operating at the department.

Professor V. I. Milykh teaches the following disciplines:

  • Electrical machines;
  • Theory of electromagnetic fields and processes in electrical engineering;
  • Fundamentals of the scientific research;
  • Electromagnetic computer calculations of electrical machines;
  • Use of modern methods of calculating the electromagnetic parameters of electrical machines.

Field of scientific interests of V. I. Milykh:

  • Mathematical modeling and research of electromagnetic fields, parameters and processes in electrical machines;
  • Creation of scientific, technical and educational and methodological support for the development of a design system for these machines based on numerical field methods;
  • Study of DC machines of various types, turbogenerators, linear electrical motors of various purposes.

V. I. Milykh is also active in scientific and public work. He is the member of the Scientific and Methodological Commission of the National Academy of Sciences on Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics, the Editorial and Publishing Council of National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», the editorial boards of the journal «Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics» and «Bulletin of National Technical University «KhPI», the series «Problems of the Improvement of Electrical Machines and Apparatuses», editor-in-chief of the journal «Bulletin of National Technical University «KhPI», series «Electrical machines and electromechanical energy conversion», the member of the organizing committees of the SIEMA International Symposium «Problems of Improvement of Electrical Machines and Apparatuses» and the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Technical Conference of Students «Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Microprocessor Technology», Head of the seminar «Electromagnetic and Thermal Processes of highly used Electrical Machines» of the Scientific Council of the National Academy of Sciences on the complex problem «Scientific foundations of electric power engineering», the member of the Specialized Scientific Council for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations.

Professor V. I. Milykh has published about 300 scientific papers, he is the author of 8 inventions, as well as the author or co-author of more than 50 educational and methodological publications, including 24 textbooks and training manuals. His especially famous textbook «Elektrotekhnika, elektronika ta mikroprotsesorna tekhnika» [Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Microprocessor Engineering], which was reprinted 4 times and was spread all over Ukraine more than 4000 items total, and nowadays it is used in the educational process of higher educational institutions.

In 2017 the monograph «Chislenno-polevyie raschetyi i analiz elektromagnitnyih i silovyih parametrov i protsessov v turbogeneratorah» [Numerical field calculations and analysis of electromagnetic and power parameters and processes in turbogenerators] was published, which became a summary of long-term work on electromagnetic field calculations using Lua-script.

For his significant contribution to the science and education of Ukraine, V. I. Milykh was awarded departmental awards of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine — the badges «Excellent in Education of Ukraine» and «For Scientific and Educational Achievements».

Identifier ORCID0000-0002-6176-3103
Source of information: Мілих Володимир Іванович (до 70-річчя з дня народження) // Електротехніка і електромеханіка. — 2019. — № 3. — С. 75.