Lysachenko Ihor Hryhorovych
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List of publications of I. H. Lysachenko
Lysachenko Ihor Hryhorovych is Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Technology System Automation and Ecology Monitoring of National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute».
Scientific activity areas of I. H. Lysachenko: development of automated and computer-integrated control systems for energy- and resource-saving processes and equipment in synthetic ammonia technology.
Associate Professor I. H. Lysachenko teaches the following disciplines:
- «Microprocessor systems software»,
- «Technological systems of the industry as objects of management»,
- «Automatic control system software (ACS)»,
- «Corporate information system software (CIS)»,
- «Microprocessor systems software (MPS)».
Source of information: Website of the Department of Technology System Automation and Ecology Monitoring of the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute».