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Danko Volodymyr Hryhorovych

Danko Volodymyr Hryhorovych is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Electrical Engineering of National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute».
Born in Chelyabinsk (Russia). His parents worked at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, where the leadership of the Kharkiv Tractor Plant sent them to participate in the tractor production establishment. In 1949 the family returned to Kharkiv.
In 1951Volodymyr Hryhorovych entered Kharkiv Aviation Institute, and in 1957 received a diploma with honors in the specialty «Aircraft Engine Mechanical Design Engineer».
At that period the preparatory work to produce powerful turbogenerators, hydrogenerators, and large electric machines for rolling mills was carrying out at Kharkiv «Electrotyazhmash» plant.
There was the need for efficient cooling, which required specialists in the field of heat-mass-exchange and aerodynamics.
In this regard, V. H. Danko, who studied these disciplines at Aviation Institute, began to work at the Electrotyazhmash plant in a special design bureau, where he was engaged in investigation and calculations of cooling systems for powerful electric machines, and eventually, traction motors for diesel locomotives.
As a main specialist, he participated in the development of 200, 300 and 500 MW turbo-generators. With his direct participation, hydrogenerators, including capsule ones were created for the Kiev Hydroelectric Station, as well as unique DC machines for rolling mills and the coal industry.
He has developed advanced methodology for calculating temperature fields in electric machines of various purposes. Most of his research work is related to the development of cryogenic cooling of electric machines with superconducting windings.
Basing on conducted studies in 1971 he defended his doctoral thesis «Teoreticheskie i eksperimentalnyie issledovaniya nagreva krupnyih elektricheskih mashin» [Theoretical and experimental investigation of large heating electrical machines].
More than 25 years of Volodymyr Danko’s labour activity has been connected with the Electrotyazhmash plant, where he worked from 1957 till 1983 starting as a foreman in the hardware workshop, and head of a group at the research institute to Director of the research institute of the plant.
In 1970 Danko V. H. received the Co-Authorship Certificate for the design of an electric machine cooled by liquid helium.
Using this invention, a working prototype of a 200 kW cryoturbogenerator was manufactured at the Electrotyazhmash plant. In association with of Academician B. I. Verkin, studies of this cryoturbogenerator were organized and conducted at the Kharkiv Physics and Technical Institute for Low Temperatures of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
For this series of investigations V. H. Danko became a laureate of G. F. Proskura Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in co-authorship with Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine G. G. Schastlyvyi and Professor О. I. Titko (1979).
In the late 1980s he was engaged in the development and research of a linear electric motor for acceleration (during takeoff) and braking (during landing) of aircraft. This linear motor has been manufactured at the Kharkiv Electromechanical Plant.
In 1990 he substantiated the concept of a superconducting synchronous machine without a ferromagnetic core with an external superconducting screen and received experimental confirmation of its operability.
Since 1983 Volodymyr Hryhorovych has been teaching at National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (NTU «KhPI») as Head of the Department of Applied Electrical Engineering.
For many years, Professor Danko V. H. has been Chairman of the Doctoral Specialized Scientific Council at NTU «KhPI» in the specialties «Electrical Machines and Apparatus» and «Technique of Strong Electric and Magnetic Fields», as well as one of the founders of the International Symposium «Problems of Improvement of Electrical Machines and Apparatuses. Theory and Practice (SIEMA)», which has been held annually in Kharkiv since year 2000. A member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) since 1991. Has awarded the honorary badge «High School Excellence».
Volodymyr Hryhorovych has prepared many highly qualified scientific professionals: 2 doctors and 9 candidates of technical sciences.
He has published 190 scientific papers and teaching manuals, including 4 monographs and 3 study guides. He is the author of 62 copyright certificates and patents of Ukraine and Russia, one of the founders and the first editor-in-chief of the scientific and practical journal «Elektrotekhnika i Elektromekhanika» [Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics].
Above all he values honesty in people, that has become his life credo.