Akhiiezer Olena Borysivna
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List of publications of O. B. Akhiiezer
Akhiiezer Olena Borysivna is Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), Professor of the Department of Computer Mathematics and Data Analysis of National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute».
Born on August 29, 1970.
In 1992 she graduated from V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Faculty of Mechanical and Mathematics, in the specialty «Mathematician. Teacher of Mathematics».
In 2007 she defended Ph.D. thesis «Matematychne modeliuvannia nestatsionarnykh stokhastychnykh enerhopotokiv na osnovi trykutnoi modeli» [Mathematical modeling of non-stationary stochastic energy flows on the basis of a triangular model] under the scholarly supervision of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Pirotti Yevhen Leonidovych.
In 2011 she became Assistant Professor of the Department of Computer Mathematics and Data Analysis. Since 2014 O. B. Akhiiezer has been Professor at National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute».
Olena Borysivna is a trainer of the university mathematics olympiad team.
O. B. Akhiezer has published more than 60 publications, including publications in scientific journals, study guides and teaching manuals.
At the Department of Computer Mathematics and Data Analysis Olena Akhiiezer teaches the following disciplines:
- higher mathematics,
- mathematical analysis,
- theory of functions of a complex variable,
- integral transformations