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The Regulations on the NTU «KhPI» Scientific and Technical Library

The Regulations on the NTU «KhPI» Scientific and Technical Library
1. General Provisions
1.1. The Scientific and Technical Library of the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (hereinafter - the Library) is an educational, scientific, information and cultural-educational structural unit of the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (hereinafter - the University), which provides the educational and research processes of the University with printed works and other information documents.
1.2. In its activities the Library is governed by the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine «On Higher Education» (July 1, 2014, No. 1556-VII, with amendments and additions), «On Libraries and Librarianship» (enacted by Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada No. 33/95 of 27.01.1995, with amendments and additions), «On the National Informatization Program» (dated 04.02.1998 No. 74/98-VR, with amendments and additions), Decree of the President of Ukraine «On the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for the period till 2021» (from June 25, 2013, No. 344/2013), other current legislative acts, instructional and normative documents regulating the activities of libraries, the Statute and Rules of Internal Procedure of the University, as well as these Regulations, approved by the Rector of the University.
1.3. The Library contributes to the implementation of government policy in the field of education and culture, adhering to the principles of humanism and democracy, the priority of universal values and morality.
1.4. The University administration provides the legal, organizational, financial and material conditions necessary for library operating, in particular, proper storage, use and replenishment of its collection, computerization and technical equipment of the Library.
1.5. Scientific and methodological management of the Library is carried out by: the Scientific and Methodological Library Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; zonal methodological center of libraries of higher education institutions of Poltava, Sumy and Kharkiv regions — the Central Scientific Library of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Scientific and Methodological Council of the Library.
1.6. The Library interacts (at the levels of coordination, cooperation of efforts and integration of resources) with libraries of other systems and departments of Ukraine, takes part in events aimed at the development and mutually beneficial use of library and information resources.
1.7. The Scientific and Technical Library is guided by the current legislation on free access of users to library and information resources. The procedure for accessing the Library collection and information resources, the list and conditions of basic services are determined by the Rules for the Use of the Library, approved by the Rector of the University and compiled on the basis of the «Standard Rules for the Use of Libraries of Ukraine» (the order of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine of 05.05.1999 No. 275, with amendments and additions) and «Standard Rules for the Use the Library of a Higher Educational Institution of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine» approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine No. 321 of 08/31/1998.
1.8. The number of library employees is established in accordance with the norms of current legislation. Library employees are appointed and dismissed by the order of the Rector of the University in the prescribed manner provided by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.
1.9. The distribution of staff members’ duties is carried out by the Director, with subsequent approval by the Rector of the University in the prescribed manner.
2. Tasks of the Library
2.1. Providing full, high-quality and efficient library, bibliographic and information services to scientists, academic and pedagogical staff, faculties, doctoral students, post-graduate students, undergraduate students, students of preparatory and distance courses, employees of the University, and other categories of readers according to their information requests by means of free access to the Library collection and electronic resources of own generation, scientific information resources acquired by the University, and resources available on a corporate basis.
2.2. Forming the Library collection of traditional and electronic resources in accordance with the profile of the University and users’ requests.
2.3. Creating electronic databases, organization and maintenance of reference and bibliographic apparatus using traditional and latest information technologies.
2.4. Forming a complete collection of printed publications of the University scientists.
2.5. Formation of the digital resource «Repository of the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (eNTUKhPIIR) and its integration into the global information space.
2.6. Bibliographing the University scientists’ scientific heritage.
2.7. Supporting University scientists brand building in the scientific information space.
2.8. Promoting the upbringing of a harmonious, morally perfect and highly educated personality, conscious of one’s civic responsibility, open to intellectual and creative development, self-improvement and self-organization.
2.9. Promoting historical, scientific, cultural, spiritual heritage, the content of universal human values and the idea of national state-building using books, other sources of information and with all library and information means.
2.10. Expanding the range of library and information services, improving their quality based on new information technique and the latest information technologies, computerization of information-library processes. Use of economic calculation elements.
2.11. Conducting independent and joint with other organizations and institutions scientific research, educational and organizational-methodical work on bibliology, informatics, librarianship, bibliography, social communications, and documentation science.
2.12. Fostering user information culture, developing skills to use books, information resources, information services, and library services.
2.13. Providing free high-speed Internet access to the domestic and global information space.
2.14. Establishing contacts and direct connections with libraries of other countries; cooperation with educational charitable foundations, organizations, institutions; attracting the diaspora to the development of libraries of Ukrainian higher educational institutions, etc.
2.15. Coordination of library’s activities with the scientific and educational departments, dean’s offices and chairs, other structural divisions of the University and its public and youth organizations. The cooperation and interaction with libraries of other systems and institutions, scientific and technological information bodies.
2.17. The implementation of economic activities aimed at ensuring and optimizing information and library-bibliographic service using elements of state economic accountability in accordance with current legislation.
3. Functions of the Library
3.1. Provides library and reference-information service to users:
3.1.1. Differentiated user service: scientists, faculty, doctoral students, post-graduate students, undergraduate students, students of preparatory and distance courses, employees of the University, representatives of other scientific institutions and organizations at lending departments, in reading rooms, catalogue halls, and other structural divisions of the Library.
3.1.2. Provides free basic library services to undergraduate and post-graduate students, faculty staff, scientists, and University employees.
3.1.3. Studies information needs, promptly handles information requests of scientists and students of the University, using various forms and methods of individual, group and mass informing. Conducts sociological research of readers’ interests in order to respond better to them.
3.1.4. Expands and increases the efficiency of user reference and information service due to interaction with scientific libraries and scientific-technical information bodies and provides users with access via the Internet to information resources of Ukraine and beyond.
3.1.5. Implements the opportunities of mutual use of the Library collection and electronic resources through a system of interlibrary and international loan, electronic delivery of documents, internal and international book exchange.
3.1.6. Cooperates with libraries of other structural divisions of the University: Poltava Polytechnic College of NTU «KhPI», Kharkiv Computer and Technology Professional College, NTU «KhPI» Military Sergeants College.
3.1.7. Organizes the work of public referents of departments and scientific divisions of the University, involves them to participate in the acquisition of the Library collection and in scientist reference-information service. Provides them with the necessary methodological assistance.
3.1.8. Compiles and prepares bibliographic indexes for publication, bibliographic lists to assist the scientific and educational work of the University, performs all kinds of library inquiries, conducts bibliographic reviews, days of departments, graduate students, and specialists.
3.1.9. Provides information and bibliographic support for scientific events taking place at the University.
3.1.10. Promotes library and bibliographic knowledge in the educational process and scientific work. Organizes classes on information culture for users, organizes scientific and scientific-practical seminars on scientific publications self-archiving technology, and presents information about scientists and their heritage in the system of global scientific communications.
3.1.11. Informs the rectorate, dean's offices, departments, scientific divisions about news in educational and pedagogical, scientific and research, cultural and educational work of higher educational institutions of Ukraine and foreign countries.
3.1.12. Provides users with additional paid services according to current legislation.
3.2. Forms the Library collection and electronic databases in accordance with curricula and programs on the topics of scientific research of the University by acquiring scientific, educational, reference, periodical publications, fiction both on traditional and electronic media.
3.2.1. Submits proposals to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the rectorate and the editorial board of the University to publish scientific, educational and scientific-methodological publications.
3.2.2. Carries out the organization, rational placement and accounting of main and auxiliary the Library collection, storage, preservation, copying and digitization.
3.2.3. Systematically analyzes the use of the Library collection in order to optimize them; investigates its structure and use; removes from the Library collection documents that have lost their relevance, scientific and production value, worn-out, defective and duplicate copies in accordance with current legislative acts and transfers them to depository storage and exchange funds.
3.3. Provides analytical and synthetic processing of new acquisitions to the Library collection.
3.3.1. Creates and maintains a system of library catalogues, card bibliography and databases for accessibility of library and information resources.
3.3.2. Ensures the integration of the electronic catalogue and information resources of its own generation into regional and state information resources.
3.3.3. Participates in the creation of industry, regional and national databases.
3.4. Carries out work towards promoting and making library and information resources more accessible, both by traditional methods and using computer technologies:
3.4.1. Together with public organizations, lecturers and students, the University holds presentation events: reading conferences, literary and musical soirees, debates, and other cultural and educational events.
3.5. Based on given authority conducts economic activities aimed at creating comfortable conditions for users to stay in Library premises, improving employees' working conditions.
3.5.1. Provides access to the Library collection for persons who do not study or work at the University in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On approval of the list of paid services that can be provided by educational institutions, other institutions and institutions of the education system belonging to the state and communal form of ownership» (No. 796 of 27.08.2010), the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine «On approval of the procedures for providing paid services by state and communal educational institutions» (No. 736/902/758 of 07.23.2010) and the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» (№1556-VII of 01.07.2014).
3.6. Participates in international library programs and projects, all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences, meetings, educational and methodological seminars.
3.7. Conducts scientific research in the field of social communications, librarianship, automated library systems, bibliography, documentation science, book history, and the history of the University.
3.8. Studies and implements into work practice innovative library experience, new library technologies, and results of library scientific research. Participates in regional, all-Ukrainian, international scientific conferences, meetings, seminars on issues of library and information work.
3.9. Actively implements the latest library technologies and electronic document circulation.
3.10. Actively engaged in scientific and methodological work (analytical, organizational, consultative) with the aim of improving all areas of library activity, its structural subdivisions and branches.
3.11. Provides conditions for continuous education, improving the professional, comprehensive and cultural level of the Library staff, training specialists to work in automated library systems and acquiring skills to work using modern information services.
3.12. Organizes the study and constant monitoring of public opinion, establishing and deepening contacts with priority library users.
4. Management. Structure and Staff. Material and Technical Support
4.1. The Library is managed by the Director, who is directly subordinate to the University Rector and is a member of the University Academic Council.
4.2. The Director, within the limits of her authority, is responsible for the organization of the library's work, the results of its financial and economic activities, the condition and preservation of the fund and other property; gives orders that are mandatory for all library employees to follow.
4.3. The University administration provides guaranteed financing and acquiring library document and information resources (in accordance with the current norms of book supply for the educational process) at the expense of general and special funds; provides the Library, in accordance with current regulations, with the necessary service and production premises; provides computer equipment, technical equipment and facilities.
4.4. Maintenance costs of the Library are provided by the general budget of the University.
4.5. It is prohibited to use library premises for works those are not covered by the functions and tasks of the Library and prevent library premises alienation or their improper use. Relocating the Library without providing it with equivalent suitable premises to serve library users, employee workplaces, and a place of storage of the Library collection is prohibited. (Article 27 of the Law of Ukraine «On Libraries and Library Librarianship»).
4.6. Library employees are appointed to positions and dismissed by Rector’s order at the Director’s proposal according to a personal application.
4.7. The structure and the staff of the Library are approved by Rector of the University upon the proposal of the Director in accordance with current legislation («Typical structure of libraries of higher educational institutions of III-IV accreditation levels» the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine dated September 27, 2012 No. 1058) and must provide full Library functioning, modern level of information and library-bibliographic service to users, providing them with the opportunity to use computer equipment, access to electronic databases, the Internet, etc.
4.8. The tasks, content of work, relationships, rights and obligations, and responsibilities of the structural divisions of the Library are determined by the relevant regulations about them: the Regulations on the Library and Rules for the Library use.
4.9. Library employees must have a complete (basic) special library or other complete (basic) higher education within the profile of the University. The range of job functions of library employees is determined based on job descriptions approved by Rector of the University and functional responsibilities approved by Vice-rector. Official salaries are established taking into account qualification requirements based on the current official salary schemes provided by current legislation.
4.10. The rules for the Library use are developed based on the «Regulations on the Scientific and Technical Library of National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», «Standard Rules for the Use of Libraries in Ukraine» (the Order of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine dated 05.05.1999 No. 275) and «Standard Rules for the Use of the Library of a Higher Educational Institution of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine» (the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 321 dated 31.08.1998) and are approved by the Rector of the University.
4.11. Annual plans and reports on the work of the Library are approved by the Vice-rector of the University, and submitted within the established time limits to the zonal methodological center of libraries state higher education institutions.
4.12. All library employees are responsible for the preservation of the Library collection and Library property in accordance with current legislation.
4.13. In order to develop democratic foundations and collegiality in solving basic library issues, public councils are created - library, scientific and methodical, directorate council, junior specialist councils, etc. Head of the Scientific and Methodological Council is the Director of the Library.
4.14. The library involves users in managing the Library and evaluating the activities of its structural divisions and employees. The Library Council is established as an advisory body to coordinate the Library’s activities on scientific-educational work and to provide it with effective assistance in solving current operational issues.
It consists of representatives of faculties and leading specialists of the Library. The Council Board is approved by the Rector of the University on the recommendation of the Library Director.
4.15. Developing and responding to changes in the social system, the Library updates its management methods and concepts, defining such approaches that would give it the opportunity to function optimally in new conditions, achieve improved quality of library and information services and provide maximum benefit to its users.
4.16. The Scientific and Technical library has its own seal, form and stamps, showing that it is a structural unit of the University.
4.18. The mode of operation is set by Rector within the University's Internal Labor Regulations.
4.19. In order to preserve the Library collection, comply with sanitary and hygienic norms and labor protection requirements for library employees a sanitary day is held in the Library on the last day of the month. The Library does not serve users on this day.
5. Rights and Obligations of the Library
5.1. The library has the right to:
5.1.1. Determine the content and forms of activities depending on the tasks specified in the Regulations on the Scientific and Technical Library.
5.1.2. Determine the conditions of the Library collection use on the basis of agreements with legal and physical entities.
5.1.3. Being acquainted with the curricula, programs and topics of scientific research work of the structural divisions of the University; receive from them the materials and information necessary to solve the problems assigned to the Library.
5.1.4. Represent the University in various institutions, public and professional organizations and associations on library, information and bibliographic activities; take a direct part in scientific conferences, meetings, seminars both in Ukraine and abroad; participate in the implementation of state and regional programs and programs for the development of library work.
5.1.5. Cooperate with libraries, institutions and organizations of foreign countries; conduct international document exchange.
5.1.6. Determine, in accordance with the rules of library use, types and amount of compensation for damage the Library collection, equipment, and other Library property caused by users.
5.1.7. Provide users with additional paid services in accordance with current legislation.
5.1.8. Withdraw and implement documents from the Library collection in accordance with regulations.
5.1.9. Submit proposals to Rector on the distribution of incomes from economic activities, including providing paid services, as well as property acquired from these incomes in accordance with current legislation.
5.1.10. Manage allocated funds; use the savings of the wage fund and part of the funds received from self-supporting activities to establish surcharge and allowances to library employees’ salary for combining professions (positions), increasing the amount of work, expanding the service area, high achievements in work, as well as their material incentives.
5.1.11. Develop the structure and staffing schedule of the Library, to carry out the selection and placement of library personnel in the prescribed manner. Make proposals for changing the Library structure in accordance with the scope of work.
5.1.12. Establish salaries in accordance with existing schemes within the library's salary fund.
5.1.13. Receive for permanent storage a mandatory printed copy and an electronic version of all publications of the University, materials of scientific conferences, seminars, meetings organized by the University.
5.2. Library employees are eligible for:
5.2.1. Getting support from the University in their professional development, creating the necessary conditions for their self-education, ensuring their participation in the work of methodical associations, scientific conferences, and seminars on research, library-information, and cultural-educational work.
5.2.2. The allowances and surcharges, for various forms of encouragement, awards and honors provided for educators and cultural workers.
5.2.3. Annual leave in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Leave» (dated November 15, 1996 No. 504/96-VR) for the completed working year and additional annual leave in accordance with the collective agreement between employees and the University.
5.2.4. Annual payments for rehabilitation.
5.2.5. Not to serve users on the sanitary day that takes place in the Library once a month.
5.3. Library employees are responsible for:
5.3.1. Improper performance or non-performance of their labour duties, as well as for non-use or incomplete use of their functional duties in accordance with normative legal acts on labour in Ukraine and the University’s collective agreement.
5.3.2. Preservation of the Library collection according to current legislation. Library employees whose fault causes damage to the Library collection bear financial liability in accordance with the current civil and labour legislation of Ukraine.
5.3.3. Violations committed in the course of their labor activity, within the limits defined by the current criminal, administrative and civil legislation of Ukraine.
5.3.4. Disclosing information that is a commercial secret.
5.3.5. Fulfilling Rector’s orders and the orders of the Library administration.
5.3.6. The correctness of the references and the reliability of the presented statistical indicators.
5.3.7. The observance of occupational safety regulations, fire safety and industrial sanitation.
5.3.8. Timely informing the administration of the Library and the University about violations of the norms of legislative acts on the preservation of the Library collection and other material values.
5.3.9. The rational use of the Library material values and technical equipment.
5.4. The Scientific and Technical Library is obliged to:
5.4.1. Serve users in accordance with the Rules for using the Scientific and Technical Library of National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute».
5.4.2. Ensure the implementation of citizens’ rights to library service established by the Law of Ukraine «On Libraries and Librarianship».
5.4.3. Not to use information about library users and their reading interests for any purpose (except scientific) without their consent.
5.4.4. Report on its work to the Academic Council of the University.
5.4.5. Comply with the relevant norms and regulations established in the field of librarianship.
5.4.6. Ensure proper storage of especially valuable, rare publications and collections classified as national cultural heritage. The Library is responsible for their accounting, inclusion in automated databases, as well as state registration.
5.4.7. Prevent withdraw and use of documents classified as valuable and rare editions, unique documentary monuments, except in cases specified in the law.
6. Final Provisions
6.1. The Scientific and Technical Library interacts with Rector, Vice-rectors of the University, structural divisions, as well as with all University employees on current issues.
6.2. All amendments and additions to these regulations are made according to the corresponding Rector’s order and approving the new version of the «Regulations on the Scientific and Technical Library of the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute».
6.3. The regulations on the Scientific and Technical Library of the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» were drawn up on the basis of the «Approximate Regulations on the Library of a Higher Institution of III-IV levels of Accreditation» (the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated August 6, 2004 No. 641). «Standard Regulations on the Library of a Higher Educational Institution of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine», approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine No. 155 dated 04/30/1998.