The Plan of Events «With Tolerance in the Heart»:  
June 1, 2024 Training «Where dreams come true...» for International Children's Day;
December 1, 2024 International scientific and practical seminar «With tolerance in the Heart» for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

World Mental Health Day

October 10, the World Mental Health Day – a day to raise public awareness of mental health issues and mobilize efforts in support of mental health.
On the occasion of the holiday, the teams of the Department of Social System Control Pedagogy and Psychology named after I. A. Ziaziun  of NTU «KhPI» and the Scientific and Technical Library of NTU «KhPI» wish everyone mental health and harmony in life!

Each Person is a Unique Individual!

We congratulate the staff of the Educational and Scientific Medical Institute of NTU «KhPI» on the holiday — the Medical Worker Day!
Peaceful sky, health, creative effort, professional achievements in the field of education and science!
The Scientific and Technical Library pays attention to the information needs of each user and informs about changes in the legislation of Ukraine in the field of health care. For your attention, a collection of normative documents on the rehabilitation of people with special educational needs, legal protection of their rights, freedoms and dignity, and current changes in the legislation of Ukraine.

«We are your children, Ukraine!»

Three months of martial law and war. From February 24, 2022 everything changed. It is difficult to understand and accept reality. It is very difficult for children to experience this. They need constant support from adults. In this regard, the Scientific and Technical Library organized the socio-cultural action «We are Your Children, Ukraine!». The event is dedicated to International Children's Day, which is celebrated annually on June 1!

My Wishes are my Possibilities

Man is the highest product of earthly nature. But in order to enjoy
treasures of nature, a person should be healthy, strong and intelligent. 
I. Pavlov.
Every year on April 7, the world celebrates the World Health Day. The main idea of the holiday is to draw society's attention to the importance of a healthy lifestyle and timely prevention of diseases. The World Health Day was first celebrated in 1948. April 7 is the date of the World Health Organization establishment. Celebrating Health Day is one of the first initiatives taken by the UN Health Assembly almost immediately after the establishment of the organization.
