Ponomarenko Olha Ivanivna
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Born on July 21, 1953. She studied at the full-time department of Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, faculty of Mechanics and Metallurgy, majoring in «Machines and technology of foundry production» (1971-1977). In 1977 she graduated with honors from Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute.
In 1982 she was enrolled at a full-time postgraduate course in the specialty 05.10.04 «Foundry» at the department of Foundry of KhPI, and after graduation she stayed on and worked at the same department.
Candidate of Technical Sciences since 1988. After defending her Ph.D. thesis, she worked at the Department of Foundry as a junior research scientist, research scientist, senior research scientist, assistant, senior lecturer, and associate professor. Since 1996 — postdoctoral student of the department. In 1998 she defended her doctoral dissertation prematurely.
In 2001 she was awarded the academic title of Professor.
From March 1996 to the present time she has been working as Professor at the Department of Foundry. Author of more than 190 scientific publications (including 5 teaching aids with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine and a monograph).

Member of the Specialized Scientific Council D8.084.02 of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (Dnepropetrovsk), member of the commission for the development of educational-qualification characteristics (EQC) and educational-professional program (EPP) for bachelors in «Foundry production of ferrous and nonferrous metals», a member of the commission for accreditation of departments of foundry and metallurgy in Ukraine.
Vice-President of the Association of Foundries of Ukraine. She was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science.
The main direction of scientific activity is to increase the reliability of complex systems of foundry production, optimization of technological solutions in the design conditions, operation and reconstruction of foundries and development of new technologies and equipment for foundry production, as well as creation and application of environmentally friendly binders and compositions of cold-hardening mixtures for molds and rods with preservation of indicators of their basic physical and mechanical and technological properties, development of technology of their preparation.