Horoshko Elena Yhorevna

Horoshko Elena Yhorevna — Doctor of Sociology, Doctor of Philology, Professor.
Head of the Department of Intercultural Communication and Foreign Language, Professor, Doctor of Sociology, Doctor of Philology, guarantor of the educational program of the second «Media Communications» Master's Degree.
The NAQA (National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance) expert for the accreditation of programs in the field of sociology and media communications.
She was born on March 30, 1965 in the city of Kharkiv.
In 1982, after graduating from secondary school I-III degrees № 51 in Kharkiv, she entered O. M. Gorky Kharkiv State University at the Faculty of Philology, the Department of Structural and Applied Linguistics».
In 1987 she graduated with honors from the University majoring in Structural and Applied Linguistics.
She has a qualification of linguist, specialist in automatic processing of textual information, translator-referent of scientific and technical literature.

In 1987-1988 she worked as a junior employee of the laboratory of handwriting and author's research of the Kharkiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Science named after Honoured Professor N. S. Bokarius of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
From 1988 to present — laboratory assistant, lecturer, associate professor, professor, head of the Department of Intercultural Communication and Foreign Language of the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute». He has 31 years of teaching experience at the university. Expert in the field of gender studies and Internet communications. She took an internship at the Internet Institute of Oxford University (UK), University of Iowa (USA).
The Department of Intercultural Communication and Foreign Languages ​​provides training bachelors, masters and post-graduate students in English, German, French in the professional field and at the faculties of computer and information technology, computer science and software engineering, social and humanitarian technologies, as well as at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics, Management and International Business.
In 1996 she defended Ph.D. thesis at the specialized council of the Moscow Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The candidate's diploma was nostrified by the decision of the Specialized Academic Council of the Kyiv Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and she received the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences.
In 2000 she received the academic title of Associate Professor.

In 2001 she defended Dr. Sc. thesis at the Specialized Council of the Moscow Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, majoring in «Theory of Language» and received the title of Doctor of Philology.
In 2009 she received a master's degree in education from Umea University (Sweden).
In 2010 she defended Dr. Sc. thesis at the Specialized Council of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University and received the academic title of Doctor of Sociological Sciences.
In 2011 she received the academic title of Professor.
In 2010 she was presented with a commendation certificate from the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine for her significant contribution to the development of national education.
In 2015, she was presented with a valuable gift from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for her significant contribution to the development of education and science in Ukraine.
In 2017, she become one of Top­–500 most influential women in Ukraine, taking the 34th place.
In 1999-2013 she participated in the opening, organization and support of the UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment (Nicosia, Cyprus).

She took part in a number of projects on the status and attitudes towards women in the media of the International Women's Media Foundation (USA), in a joint project of the Women's Studies Program of Iova University (USA) and the Center for Gender Studies of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine) «Development of gender studies within the University Partnership Program to promote educational transformations in higher education in Ukraine».
Worked on a joint project of Iova University (USA) and the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (Ukraine) «Strengthening the partnership of the university to promote economic development in Kharkiv», on a joint project of Iova University (USA) and the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (Ukraine) «Retraining of women scientists in the conditions of transformation of Ukraine’s economy», as well as on a voluntary basis at the Center for Gender Studies (Kharkiv, Ukraine) in 1999-2005.
For the last five years she has been participating in the methodical school-seminar «New Technologies in Education», and also annually holds a seminar for teachers of Ukrainian universities «Using Interactive Teaching Methods in Teaching at Universities».
In the 2016-2017 academic year, the Interuniversity School of Media Communications «Communication and Media Academy» was held, a program «OTB» Conversation about the Profession» was organized, a series of scientific and practical seminars on media communications, round tables were organized in the field of modern media and journalism.
In 2015 she was elected a deputy of the Kharkiv City Council of the 7th convocation, became a member of the Permanent Commission of the Kharkiv City Council on humanitarian issues (education, culture, spirituality, youth policy and sports). Non-partisan.