Raiko Diana Valeriivna
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Raiko Diana Valeriivna — Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Institute of Scientific and Educational Institute of Economics, Management, and International Business of the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»
He has two higher educations. In 1998 she graduated from Kharkiv State Polytechnic University with a degree in «Industrial Ecology and Environmental Protection», and has a qualification of engineer-chemist-ecologist.
In 1999 she graduated with honors from Kharkiv State Polytechnic University with a degree in «Management in the Production Sector (specialization «Business Management»)», and has a qualification of economist-manager.
Candidate of Economic Sciences since 2003. She defended a dissertation in 2003 at the specialized Scientific Council of the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» in the specialty 08.02.02 — «Economics and management of scientific and technological progress». She received the academic title of Associate Professor in 2004. Doctor of Economics since 2012. She defended a dissertation at the specialized Scientific Council of the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» in the specialty 08.00.04 — «Economics and Business Administration» (by type of economic activity) in 2012.
Doctor of Economics Raiko D.V. is a member of the specialized Scientific Council in the specialty 08.00.04 — «Economics and Enterprise Management» (by types of economic activity): specialized Scientific Council D 64.050.02 of the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute».
She completed a scientific internship at the University of Magdeburg (Germany), and the University of Vienna (Austria).
She improved the level of scientific and pedagogical qualification during her internship at the courses of the educational company ETCN (Netherlands) engaged in advanced training of educators in the field of economics, and received a diploma from the Hoge School NOVI University for Professional Education of the Netherlands.

During her staying in Holland, she attended trainings, the subject of which was presentation of effective approaches and new technologies for teaching marketing disciplines; discussions were held and there was an exchange of experience on the introduction of new knowledge into the educational system of Ukrainian higher educational institutions.
Practical trainings were combined with business visits and meetings with directors of well-known companies: Unilever, IBM, British American Tabacco, Heineken, ESOMAR — the world association of market researchers.
Chairman of the scientific and methodological commission in specialty 075 «Marketing» NTU «KhPI».
Organizational work in NTU «KhPI» in the position of Deputy Director of the Scientific and Educational Institute of Economics, Management, and International Business (EMMB) for scientific work (2018 — present).
Organizational work in NTU «KhPI» in the position of Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economic Informatics and Management (EIM) for scientific work (2009-2017).
Organizational work in NTU «KhPI» in the position of Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Management (IM) for scientific work (2003-2009).
Provides scientific guidance of applicants, the official opponent of 12 dissertations for the degree of candidate and 1 doctor of economic sciences.
Raiko D.V. is the author of about 160 scientific works, 7 of which are included in the international scientific and metric databases Web of Science, two monographs, co-author of 12 collective monographs, heads the state budget and economic contractual research work of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Work as a member of the organizing committee of the II-III stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-defense of research works of pupils-members of the MAN (National Center «Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine» — chairman of the section «Macroeconomics» (Kharkiv) (2012 – present).
Member of the commission for editorial and publishing activities of NTU «KhPI».
Deputy Chairman of the Commission for Methodological Activities of NTU «KhPI» on the assignment of scientific titles to scientists and researchers.
Member of the editorial board of NTU «KhPI» journal «Strategic Management, NTU «KhPI» Project and Program Portfolio Management».
Achievements and awards:
Raiko D. V. — scholarship holder of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists (2008—2010, by the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of 9.10.2008, Protocol № 10/2-13 and resolutions of the Committee on State Prizes of Ukraine in the field of science and technology from 14.10.2008 № 3 ).
In 2012/2013 academic year, Raiko D.V. took the 1st place in the nomination «An Educator of Professionally Oriented Disciplines» for successes and achievements at NTU «KhPI».