Our partner is Communal Institution «Krysynskyi Lyceum»

On February 28, 2023 the webinar «Academic Integrity as the Basis of Successful Learning» was held for pupils of senior classes by Communal Institution «Krysynskyi Lyceum». We continue cooperation and joint activities with educational institutions-partners of STL NTU «KhPI». Thereby, a plan of joint activities for lyceum pupils is being implemented: to improve student motivation to learn, academic integrity, media literacy and vocational guidance for pupils of the 9 -11 grades. The project «Art therapy with art» has also been developed to relieve emotional tension in stressful situations. We invite everyone to cooperate!

Within the framework of the cooperation agreement between NTU «KhPI» and Communal institution «Krysynskyi Lyceum» on a permanent basis, twice a month, for children with special educational needs (SEN) and their parents, an online psychological support group «Emotsiine perezavantazhennia» [Emotional reloading] was organized by Svitlana Yuriivna Novosyolova, Natalya Vasylivna Lyabakh, employees of the Information and Resource Center «Without Barriers» (IRC) of the Scientific and Technical Library of NTU «KhPI». The group was formed to study new techniques and methods for psycho-correction and child development, and convenient communication. Users can always ask questions and get qualified answers. Svitlana Novosyolova, Head of the IRC, leads the group.

Nowadays, Communal Institution «Krysynskyi Lyceum» is one of the best institutions in Kharkiv region, where the right to education of all categories of students is effectively implemented.