"Харківський політехнічний інститут"




О. Л. Шапошникова






Навчальний посібник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів



Харків НТУ "ХПІ"2009


ББК 81.2 Англ я7


УДК 811.111:620.9(075)


Рецензенти:  Г. В. Коптьолова, к.ф.н., доцент, Харківський національний університет ім. В. Каразіна;

О. В. Глотова, к.ф.н., доцент, Харківський національний педагогічний університет ім. ГС. Сковороди;

Т. В. Подуфалова, к.ф.н., доцент кафедри практики англійського усного та писемного мовлення ХНПУ ім. Г.С. Сковороди




Шапошнікова, О. Л.

Ш-24 New power technologies. Нові енергетичні технології [Текст] : навч. посіб. / О. Л. Шапошнікова. - Харків : НТУ «ХПІ», 2009. -184 с. - Англ. мовою.

ISBN 978-966-593-708-1

Навчальний посібник складається з двадцяти чотирьох тематичних уроків, в яких розглядаються англійською мовою граматичні теми і проблеми енергетики, які співпадають з навчальними планами електротехнічного та енергетичного профілю, (енергетичні спеціальності, енергія, струм, українська та світова енер-гопромисловість та інше). Діалоги уроків (по три діалоги в уроці) демонструють мовні конструкції в порядку ускладнення граматики. Додасться перелік реко­мендованих мовних конструкцій, які споживаються в різних життєвих ситуаціях.

Призначено для студентів електротехнічних та енергетичних спеціально­стей.

Бібліогр.: 9 назв.


ББК. 81.2 Англ я7

© О. Л. Шапошнікова, 2009

ISBN 978-966-593-708-1                       © НТУ «XПІ», 2009






Module 1

Unit 1 A Future Electrical Engineer

Noun plurals, noun cases

Text 1 I am an Electrical Student

Dialogues: 1.1 Hello! My name's Helen. I'm a university student.

1.2Are you busy on Monday? Yes, I am.

1.3Is he busy on Monday? No, he isn't.

Unit 2 Alma Mater

The affirmative, negative; articles

Text 2 National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Dialogues: 2.1 What is your subject?

2.2Are they engineers?

2.3What's his subject?

Unit 3 Trained to Become Electrical Engineers

Numerals: to be, to have

Text3 Electric Power Engineering Specialties

Dialogues: 3.1 Is she often late? Yes, she is.

3.2It is late. It's eight p.m. 1 know.

3.3How are you? I'm very well,

Unit 4 The Word "Energy" and the World of Energy

Simple Tenses; Present Simple

Text 4 The World of Energy

Dialogues: 4.1 I like learning. So do I.

4.2Do you like it? Yes, I do.

4.3Does he like it? No, he doesn't.

Unit 5 Power Engineering Researchers and Inventors


Text 5 The Nobel Prize

Dialogues: 5.1 How is he? He isn't very well, I'm afraid.

5.2 Where is it? It's in your box on the table.

5.3 Where is he? He is in Kyiv as far as I know.

Unit 6 Common Electrical Notions and Concepts

Multifunctional that, one; Subject-Predicate Agreement

 Text 6 Electrical Units

Dialogues: 6.1 Where are they now? As far as I know, they are in Kyiv.

6.2Do you have a test tomorrow? Yes, I do. I have a test in English.

6.3Does he have much work now? I don't know.


Module 2

Unit 7 Ukrainian and European Power Industry

Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous Aspect

Text 7 World's and Ukraine's Total Energy Demand

Dialogues: 7.1 I want to do it. When? In January.

7.2What do you want to do this evening?

7.3Which do you prefer: this or that? I like neither.

Unit 8 Traditional Energy System Conversion Chains

Simple Tenses: Past Simple (regular, irregular); Future Simple

Text 8 Future Energy Development

Dialogues: 8.1 Why do they want to do it? Because...

8.2 I like working. So do I, but I prefer having a rest.

8.3 Are you able to ski? Yes, I am.

Unit 9 Current World's Electric Energy Production

Present, Past, Future Continuous; to be going to

Text 9 World's Energy Production Components

Dialogues: 9.1 I have to finish it.

Do you? Yes, 1 do. I have to. It's necessary.

9.2Do you have to do it? Yes, I do. I have to. It's obligatory.

9.3Are you busy this week? Yes, I am. I'm doing research.

Unit 10 Energy Systems of the Future

Present, Past, Future Perfect

Text 10 Renewable Energy Sources

Dialogues: 10.1 He is going there. Does he often go to there? No, he doesn't.

10.2 Can you type? Yes, 1 can.

10.3 Are you going there? No, I'm not.

Unit 11 New Type Power Plants

Present, Past, Future Perfect Continuous

Text 11 Transportation Energy

Dialogues: 11.1 I can't do this. I must do that.

11. 2 He doesn't like us. He must be jealous

11.3 Must you do it? No, I needn't.

Unit 12 Electromagnetic Theory

Tenses Active Voice revised

Text 12 Magnetism Definition

Dialogues: 12.1 Where? When? Wait for me at 6 at the entrance.

12.2What do you think of him? I think he is very kind.

12.3What is it about? It's about power plant types.


Module 3

Unit 13 Electric Current

Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous revised

Text 13 Direct Current and Alternating Current

Dialogues: 13.1 Who's your favorite, I wonder. I don't have any.

13.2 I have a suggestion to make. Let's do it tomorrow.

13.3 What are you doing on Friday? I'll stay at home to study.

Unit 14 Ukrainian Hydro Power Plants

Phrases as...as, as...as possible, not so... as, not as...as, the...the

Text 14 The Dnipro River Cascade

Dialogues: 14.1 There's a thing for you. Where? There.

14.2There are some things. Where? There.

14.3What do you advise me? You ought to study

Unit 15 Electrical Theory

Adjective Comparatives

Text 15 Cycle, Period, Frequency, Wave Form

Dialogues: 15.1 I'm going to buy it. I'll buy it tomorrow.

15.2When are you going to take the exam? I'll take it on Friday.

15.3Where are you going to rest? We'll go home

Unit 16 Transformers

Passive Voice Aspects

Text 16 Transformer Action Theory

Dialogues: 16.1 What do you think he ought to do?

16.2I'd like to visit Belarus. I'm not sure I'll be able to.

16.3What would you like to do this afternoon?

Unit 17 Power Engineering Developments

Passive Voice Aspect Table

Text 17 Electric Current Generators

Dialogues: 17.1 May 1 open the window? Do, please.

17.2Is he allowed to start it? He mustn't start it now.

17.3I was very busy. I had a lot of work to do.

Unit 18 Power Transmission

Passive Voice Aspect Table

Text 18 From Power Plants to Consumers

Dialogues: 18.1 I couldn't go because I had to stay.

18.2Did you like it? Yes, I did.

18.3What did you do? I studied.


Module 4

Unit 19 High-Voltage Direct Current

Modal Verbs can, may; to be able, to be allowed

Text 19 Advantages of High Voltage Bulk Transmission

Dialogues: 19.1 What did she do? She didn't do anything

19.2What did he tell you? He told me he had been there.

19.3Do you know it? Yes, I do. I've read it.

Unit 20 Environmental Protection

Modal Verbs must, should, ought to, needn't; have to, be to

Text 20 Environmental Technology

Dialogues: 20.1 Have you been to Kyiv? Yes, I have

20.2Have you read it? When did you read it?

20.3Has she been to Kyiv? Yes, she has.

Unit 21 Environmentally Neutral Power Technologies

Modals with the Perfect Infinitive

Text 21 Power Technology Efficiency Improved

Dialogues: 21.1 How long have you had it? For three years.

21.2How long has he been a student? For ten years.

21.3I will bring it unless I forget. You mustn't.

Unit 22 New Research in Environmentally Neutral Technologies

Modals revised

Text 22 World's First Cryogenic Hydrogen Fuelled Aircraft

Dialogues: 22.1 If you see him, remember me to him.       I will.

22.2What time is it to start?       At 5 p.m.

22.3I'll fail it unless you help me.          I'll help you.

Unit 23 Lightning

Multifunctional to be, to have

Text 23 Lightning Protection

Dialogues: 23.1 How long have you been waiting? Since two p.m.

23.2How long has he been doing it? For two or three hours

23.3Have you been to the pictures lately? Yes, I have.

Unit 24 New Power Technology Applications

Tenses, Modals revised

Text 24 Power Industry

Dialogues: 24.1 I wouldn't advise you to go to the lecture. It might bore you

24.2 What would you do if you had a lot of money? I'd buy a car.

24.3 Why didn't he come? He may have forgotten about the lecture.


Grammar Summary

Module 1 Grammar

1.1Noun as a part of speech; Countable and Uncountable Nouns /Unit 1.1/

1.2Noun Cases/Unit 1.2/

2. Imperative, Indicative and Subjunctive Mood Sentences /Unit 2/

2.1The Affirmative/Unit 2.1/

2.2Negative sentences /Unit 2.2/

2.3Interrogative sentences: Questions /Unit 2.3/

2.4Articles /Unit 2.4/

3.1Sentences with to be /Unit 3.1/

3.2Sentences with to have got and to (do) have/Unit 3.2/

3.3Numerals /Unit 3.3/

4. Simple Tenses; Present Simple (nominal and verbal)/Unit 4/

4.1Nominal type/Unit 4.1/

4.2Verbal type/Unit 4.2/ of the Present Simple

4.3There is or There are /Unit 4.3/

5. Pronouns /Unit 5/

5.1 Personal pronouns/Unit 5.1/

5.2Possessive adjectives/Unit 5.2/

5.3Possessive pronouns/Unit 5.3/

5.4Objective pronouns/Unit 5.4/

5.5Reflexive pronouns /Unit 5.5/

5.6Indefinite pronouns / Unit 5.6/

5.7Demonstrative pronouns /Unit 5.7/

6.1Multifunctional that /Unit 6.1/

6.2Multifunctional one /Unit 6.2/


Module 2 Grammar

7.1Verb Aspects of the English Verb Tense System: /Units 7.1/

7.2Auxiliaries /Unit 7.2/

8  So do I/Neither do I/ Unit 7.3/ 8. Past Simple /Unit 8/

8.1 Past Simple of nominal predicates /Unit 8.1/ 8.2: Past Simple of verbal predicates /Unit 8.2/

8.2.1Regular verbs/Unit 8.2.1/

8.2.2Irregular Verbs/Unit 8.2.2/

8.3 Future Simple (will /won't + Infinitive without to) /Unit 8.3/

9.1Continuous tenses: Present continuous /Unit 9.1/

9.2Past Continuous /Unit 9.2/

9.3Future Continuous /Unit 9.3/

9.4be going to /Unit 9.4/

10.1Perfect Tenses; Present Perfect/Unit 10.1/

10.2Perfect /Unit 10.2/

10.3Future Perfect /Unit 10.3/

11.1Present Perfect Continuous /Unit 11.1/

11.2Past Perfect Continuous /Unit 11.2/

11.3Future Perfect Continuous/Unit 11.3/ 12 Tenses Active Voice revised /Unit 12/


Module 3 Grammar

13. Tenses Active Voice revised /Unit 13/

14.1Adjectives and Adverbs /Unit 14.1/

14.2Adjectives describing Nationalities /Unit 14.2/

14.3Formation of adjectives /Unit 14.3/

14.4Too and Not Enough /Unit 14.4/

14.5Comparatives and Superlatives /Unit 14.5/

15.Phrases as...as possible, not so... as, not as...as, the...the /Unit 15/

16.The Passive: Passive Voice Aspects /Unit 16/

17.Active voice and Passive Voice Aspect Table /Unit 17/

18.Changing from active into passive /Unit 18/


Module 4 Grammar

19.Modal Verbs /Unit 19/

20.Obligation: must, should, ought to, needn't, have to, be to /Unit 20/

21.Modals: Could/Might/Should/Might/Ought to + perfective /Unit 21/ 22 Modal verbs revised /Unit 22/

23.1Multifunctional have /Unit 23/

23.2Multifunctional be /Unit 23/ 24. Tenses, Modals revised /Unit 24/ Appendix   Conversational expressions Contents

